Super Grieve strikes again: Tory human rights plans would be “devastating” for the UK

Well done Dominic Grieve, not only for standing up to this shower of idiots. I salute him for his ethical and moral stand. I have, with the aid of the many bloggers and brilliant sites tried to bring the many disturbing and disgusting policies of this coalition government. I have for many watched and took a modest interested in British politics. Although I may confess It is a very unprofessional view. I can honestly say that over the past forty years, including the Thatcher regime. The Pole Tax, Miners Strikes and arguments over war. This Conservative party and Lap dog liberal Democrats have broken every human and Civil rights laws. Their lust and drive for power and control is disturbing. I just cannot understand how they are allowed to get away with the level of changes they have completed. Hopefully 2015s elections will bring in a government with policies that enable the poor, disabled and many individuals this government targeted.
Again I remind myself, bankers and other large companies caused the economic mess 5 or more years ago

UK Human Rights Blog

Super Grieve (UK Human Rights Blog)Dominic Grieve QC was appointed as the Coalition Government’s Attorney General in May 2010. He remained in post until July 2014 when he was sacked. He said he would “happily” have stayed on, but the reality was that he could not support the Conservative Party’s radical plans to reform UK human rights law. 

Since then he has become a fierce and impassioned critic of the Tory plans, somewhat surprisingly given his public persona which is otherwise calm and lawyerly. He has produced two detailed, and devastating, critiques: the first in Prospect Magazine and then last night in a lecture at University College London. Both are highly recommended as measured and unarguably correct analyses of the Tory plan.

To my mind, Dominic Grieve QC is a bit of a hero. He has stood up for principle at the expense of his political career. He did not just resign in disgust, he then…

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